
Gas Turbine Generators (GTG) Overhaul Time Extension to More Than 50,000 Running Hours for Banyu Urip Facility Optimization

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

Banyu Urip oil production facility in Indonesia utilizes six Gas Turbine Generators (GTG) to supply the main electrical power of about 43 MW. Each unit generates up to 12.7 MW, and any downtime of these units can disrupt production. In today’s challenges of reduced maintenance costs, the question of GTG overhaul timing is increasingly important.

This paper shares Banyu Urip Central Processing Facility's (BU CPF) strategy to safely extend the GTG Time Between Overhaul (TBO) from the manufacturer’s standard of 30,000 to more than 50,000 running hours as the current BU CPF’s target considering due diligent engineering evaluation and risk assessment. Since the overhaul time is dependent on many technical factors, a systematic approach to condition-based monitoring helps to effectively extend the engine operating hours. In the long run, this optimization reduces the number of engine overhauls, thereby resulting in significant maintenance cost savings.

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