
Geothermal development in Indonesia by independent power producers

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 25th Ann. Conv., 1996

The impressive economic growth enjoyed by Indonesia over the past thirty years sets the stage for keen interest in rapid and efficient development of its power generation capacity. The direct relation between GNP growth and power consumption will be documented. Government policies conceniing energy development and use of natural resources, including the impact of diminishing oil and gas reserve base, will be woven into the economic picture. Further focus will be made on policy evolution surrounding the desire to grow a geothermal power industry, including encouragement to foreign investment. Typical structures of consortiums between national and offshore geothermal developers will bc introduced, with recognition to the specific qualities each partner can bring to the table. The early stages of a project will also be discussed, including: the concession award process, funding issues, and hindrances to development. The paper concludes with a view to the turn of the century: where is the Indonesian geothermal industry going, what can be done to accelerate it, how to manage barriers to growth, and how the industry fits into the global picture.

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