
High Permeability Streak of Kais Carbonate: An Underexploit Interval of Miocene Carbonate in Salawati Basin, A Static Model Approach

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Walio Field is a giant oil field that was discovered in 1973 and currently is the main contributor for oil production of the Kepala Burung PSC, located in Salawati Basin, West Papua.The field is mainly producing from strong water-drive reservoir of the Miocene-Kais reefal carbonate plus minor production from overlying U-Marker and Text-II interval. Perforation within the reservoirs were mostly placed within grossly high-permeable zones, which boosted up the production instantly in the past. Nonetheless, it is observed on core data that Kais reefal carbonate has low-permeable zones with high-permeability streaks within. A reservoir characterization and three-dimensional (3D) reservoir modelling is presented in this study to map and to model the high-permeability streaks within grossly low-permeable zones in order to find remaining potentials of further exploitation in the field such as bypassed oil, or un-swept intervals. To better identify and localize the highpermeability streaks, a reservoir characterization study based on static and dynamic properties from core data is proposed in order to construct high resolution reservoir zonation and reservoir rock type. Reservoir rock-typing is based on Flow Zone Indicator (FZI) method. Following the zonation and rock-typing, static reservoir modelling process integrates the interpretation from geophysicist and petrophysicist. Eventually, the reservoir continuity and connectivity from each modelled flow unit (e.g. FZI) is analyzed to locate possible un-swept area or zone to be used as a basis in recommendation for further investigation during next fluid-flow simulation stage.

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