
Horizontal Drilling through Critical Total Loss Globigerina Limestone Reservoir in Offshore Madura Strait With Water Based Mud

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

In December 2021, Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) commenced the M Fields development drilling campaign. As many as 10 wells in 3 fields were drilled and completed by March 2023. During the campaign, HCML used water-based mud (WBM) to drill all sections, including the reservoir section. The reservoir section is thin-highly porous Globigerina (GL) Limestone. This reservoir was characterized by Globigerina foraminifera abundance with excellence which has an average net-to-gross (NTG) of 95%, average porosity of 33-49%, and average permeability of 5-225mD. Critical challenges were encountered due to limited available data on offset exploration wells leading to uncertainties in the simulation model and drilling design.

Total loss circulation occurred while drilling the reservoir section of the first development well leading to the earlier setting of the well target depth (TD). Upon the total loss occurrence, critical actions were taken directly in a relatively short time, including the re-assessment of wellbore stability, reservoir properties, and fluid gradient and then followed up by optimization of drill-in fluid system, and properties and application of optimized drilling parameter.

This paper presents successful strategic actions to drill reservoir section in M Fields wells after encountering massive total loss circulation in the first development well. These actions resulted in a technically feasible, economically viable and reservoir-friendly system with adjustable mud weight (MW) and an optimized holistic drilling operations plan and procedure. Ultimately, this process helped to safely and economically drill all eight subsequent development wells to TD leading to a successful M Fields development drilling campaign.

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