
Hourly Immersed Acquisition and Processing of Magnetotelluric Method for Noise Reduction

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Magnetotelluric (MT) method is a geophysical method that can be used to image the subsurface using electromagnetic wave. The data result of MT acquisition is time series data with the distance frequency on TS3 (40 – 320 Hz), TS4 (5.6 – 33 Hz), and TS5 (0.00034 – 4,7 Hz). On the recorded data obtained shows the electric and magnetic field are mixed with noise. Noise is the signal that can offend or reduce the quality of data, so it must be limited. On processing MT data, there is a noise reduction process that is called time-series analysis. A weakness of time series analysis as a noise reduction processing technique is operator dependent. Results may differ between two different operators. This research goes a different acquisition technique from conventional MT acquisition. This new technique is referred to hourly immersed acquisition and processing. The result of time-series analysis and hourly immersed are compared. There are two data point, KT01 and KT02 that will be analyzed with this new technique. The result of the comparison of the two technique showed that there is no significant difference between the coherency of the data, but hourly immersed have 1% higher coherency value. The coherency of KT01 of hourly immersed analysis reach 81.096% and KT02 81.22%, while the coherency of KT01 of time-series analysis reach 80.642% and KT02 80.82%.

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