
How to break communication barriers for enhancing safety awareness on rigs

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 32nd Ann. Conv., 2008

The “classical approach used by companies to reduce the number of accidents such as HSE campaigns, films, or HSE meetings generally yield positive results immediately after implementation. However, after a few months or years, HSE results reach a plateau and sometimes deteriorate despite renewed actions regarding frequency of meetings, or campaigns.This approach has limits which are due to communications inefficiencies. As a matter of fact, messages from “management to the first exposed personnel go through many “barriers or “hand over situations before reaching the targeted workers most exposed to hazardous work environments. Chances are high that the original messages will be modified partially, or totally. Additionally, the messages are not necessarily adapted by the targeted people. The barriers could be psychological, cultural, social, educational, or linguistic, but all are contributing factors that reduce the quality of the communications between various parties.Another approach used by TOTAL Indonesie is the implementation of powerful initiatives where the work force is directly involved in the process. The process consists of trying to break as many barriers as possible, by introducing a convivial atmosphere with the systematic use of the Indonesia language, HSE gifts and rewards, absence of hierarchy, and sharing ideas, for further participation of the targeted people. The process is being used in stand down operations of rigs, workshops, and brainstorming sessions, with a strong management involvement, When stand down operations occur, rig operations are shut down for about two hours, personnel from town as well as from the rig join together and hunt for anomalies, with rewards for the best observations. Brainstorming sessions are held on the rig and include all first line personnel, questionnaires and audiovisual supports are used, again, best ideas are rewarded. Workshops are carried out in town, with videos, games, theater, brainstorming, and rewards, but also tests are performed all during a full day HSE interactive training.This paper reviews the tools used for improving HSE performances and breaking the “plateau through “reverse and pragmatic approaches which have proven their efficiency with outstanding results.

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