
HSE and Operation Management in Critical Covid-19 Pandemic: Success Story of M Fields Development Drilling Campaign

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

On 2 March 2020, the Government of Indonesia (GoI) announced the Corona Virus (Covid-19) first case, marking the beginning of the pandemic crisis in Indonesia, until 21 June 2023, when the GoI announced the end of the pandemic. During the pandemic, the various variants of Covid-19 cases escalated exponentially in Indonesia as well as worldwide, leading to numerous hospital care and fatalities, with approximately 6.8 million confirmed cases and approximately 162,000 fatalities according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The pandemic forced almost all work activities in all countries to stop to prevent the quick transmission of Covid-19 among people. Due to the unknown suitable prevention and handling method of Covid-19, many Oil and Gas Operators, especially in Indonesia, stopped and postponed both the planned and ongoing drilling and completion operations.

In alignment with the vision of Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) to be the biggest gas producer in East Java Indonesia, in December 2021, HCML commenced the M Fields Development Drilling Campaign in Offshore Madura Strait, East Java, Indonesia. During the campaign, various Covid-19-related health, safety, and environment (HSE) prevention and handling measures were taken to protect people while keeping the operations running without non-productive time (NPT) occurrence. Guidelines, work instructions, strict quarantine procedures, and emergency response plans were established before commencing the campaign. During the operations, monitoring management and Covid-19 case handling were established to prevent Covid-19 transmission in the workplace, and preventive actions were taken during the critical phase, particularly during the dangerous Covid-19 variants outbreak (Delta, Omicron, etc.). Even though Covid-19 cases occurred during the drilling and completion operation, the established HSE measures successfully helped the M Fields development drilling campaign to be completed with a total of 637,140 man-hours, 466 days without lost time incident (LTI), and without NPT and fatality

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