
In-situ coating of pipelines in ARII

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 23rd Ann. Conv., 1994

Atlantic Richfield Indonesia, Inc. (ARII) has in-situ coated (internally) several old and corroded wetcrude pipelines with an epoxy coating. The in-situ coating process first cleans the pipeline using pigs, solvents and acid. After the pipeline is determined to be free of all oil and rust and is dry, it is coated with slugs of coating between two special pigs. The advantage of this coating is a pipeline in which further corrosion is stopped and the pipeline's life is maintained at a cost of 10 to 30% of a replacement pipeline. History shows that after in-situ coating, corroded pipelines have continued in service for up to 20 years. This paper describes the selection of coating, the process of in-situ coating and summarizes ARII results to date.

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