
Integrated Approach to Overcome Marginal Field Challenges and Extend the Field Life

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 43rd Ann. Conv., 2019

X field is situated in southern part of KSF Block, southeastern of South Sultanate Oman Salt Basin. The field is discovered by previous operator in 1988. Oil in this field is mainly produced from multi stacked sand namely Gharif reservoir. Total six sands flowed oil in the field with thickness varies from 5 to 15m respectively. Oil production in the field shows declining trend where only two out of five wells produce oil as per 2015. Poor seismic data and lack understanding of oil potential in each reservoir in reservoir level is become main challenge for field development. In addition, a well drilled in 2009 resulting only water produced from reservoir zones also retard optimization of field development. Integrated study is performed to evaluate remaining potential of the field. A reprocessing effort was introduced in 2015 with post stack 3D dip filtering to retrieve real geological structure masked by multiple. The result improves and enhances reflection continuity below the main reservoir target. To mitigate poor data quality in reservoir level, wells and seismic data is integrated to construct reservoir structure. Horizons interpretation are initiated from two clearest and nearest seismic reflections references which stratigraphically conformable to the reservoir and Cretaceous unconformity as partial reservoir erosion caused in the field. The interpretations were guided with interval velocity average to formulate key markers in wells without check shot. Structure and sub zonation of Gharif reservoir as main output is built in depth domain by using isochore thickness and modelled with simple approach. Each reservoir and its properties are distributed with parameters obtained from regional geological understanding. Drainage radius of each producing wells is calculated and reach up to 100 m radius. As result, the study discovers area for infill well opportunity with save distance from producing wells. The well is executed in 2017 and successfully delivers oil to extent field life.

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