
Integration of Magnetotelluric and Gravity Method for Seismic Imaging in Volcanic Area Using Synthetic Data Modelling

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Hydrocarbon exploration uses various geophysical methods, and each method has their parameters that represent the different physical parameters in the subsurface, such as anomalous body, reservoir, rock types of each layer and so on. Suitable imaging tools are required to identify reservoirs at specific depths. The seismic method is one of the advanced methods for subsurface mapping and has been proven to be effective in targeting the resources. The presence of rock types derived from volcanic areas affected by post-volcanic deposition may lead to complex lithologies with complex diagenetic overprints at the reservoir level. The volcanic reflectors identifiable from seismic data are still very sparse. The close cooperation of specialists from different disciplines is required to resolve specific problems related to reservoir prediction within such a complex environment. Conventional seismic data processing could not work well in sub-volcanic areas and resulted in unclear and even poor imaging. In this paper, a geological modelling of the sub-volcanic zone of the northern Serayu basin complex is proposed. Integration of low-frequency seismic method, electromagnetic method, and gravity method are expected to give the best seismic imaging and information related to a petroleum system in the sub-volcanic environment.

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