
Intricate Seismic Time-Frequency Analysis in Kujung Patch Reef, Northeast Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 40th Ann. Conv., 2016

The current improvements in the application of spectral decomposition have been intensively focused on direct hydrocarbon detection rather than structural interpretation, which is performed by exploiting attenuation measurements of seismic reflection data. This attenuation is believed to be closely related to the saturating fluid. The wide range of evidence suggests that hydrocarbon zones are associated with abnormally high values of seismic attenuation. This paper is intended to measure the intrinsic attenuation effects of seismic reflection data derived from spectral decomposition based on Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) algorithm and to identify hydrocarbons in a patch reef of Kujung Formation. We performed spectral ratio computations to analyze frequency attenuation of seismic reflections, which were derived from the slope of frequency gradient. The slope of frequency gradient then was applied to estimate Q factor of target reservoir in order to predict the fluid content. Our trial on 3D seismic in Northeast Java Basin shows that different Q factor values in Kujung patch reef enable us to identify the reservoir response caused by gas and water zones. Keywords: Patch Reef Kujung, Spectral Decomposition, Attenuation factor and Hydrocarbon Reservoir

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