
Laboratory experiment on CO2 injection

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 14th Ann. Conv., 1985

Laboratory experiment on CO injections were carried out at the EOR-Lab. of the PPTMGB ",Lemigas", Jakarta Indonesia. The purposes of this experiment were to eva luate carbon dioxide minimum miscibility pressure (CO2 - MMP) for the crude oils from selected reservoirs in Indonesia, and to compare CO2 - MMP obtained from this experiment with those predicted by the correlations of both Holm-Josendal and Yellig-Metcalfe, and also the effect of temperature on C02 -MMP.Two types of 011s from different reservoirs were considered i.e. stock tank oil from Cepu, East Java, and recombined oil from East Kalimantan. Both of them were sampled from surface separator.PVT data and fluid compositions of the oils were analyzed using standard PVT methods and gas chromatograph. The compositions of fluids obtained from the tests were not analyzed.To predict C02-MMP of both oils, the slim tube test methods were carried out at various pressure levels, and at temperature of 5.5'~ and 85'~ for Cepu stock tank oil, and at 100oC for East Kalirnantan recombined oil.From the results of the experiment some conclusions may be drawn.(a) For the oils considered, the CO -MMP's were predicted to be 125.0 bars @ 55°C,235.0 bars @ 85oc, and 252.5 bars @ 100oc, for Cepu stock tank oil and East Kalimantan recombined oil respectively.(b) The C02-MMP's obtained from the experiment were compared with the correlations of both Holm-Jo- sendal and Yellig-Metcalfe. Agreement with the for- mer was the better of those two, though neither correlation was a good predictor of MMP for the oils tested.(c) The temperature has a si nificant effect on the CO2- MMP by about 2.7 bars/oC.

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