
Laboratory Study: Effect of Temperature on Palm Oil Shell Carbon to Increase Strength Drilling Cement

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 40th Ann. Conv., 2016

Cementing operations are a critical component of drilling operations in exploration and production of oil and natural gas, because cement is the medium to bind the casing to formation wall to protect the well from formation pressures and unexpected inflow to the well. Over the years, innovative materials have been considered as additives to drilling cement with expectations to optimize the compressive strength, such as palm oil shell carbon. Palm oil shell is activated carbon containingelements of silica that are pozzolan. Pozzolan is a material consisting of silica mineral and alumina that are largely reactive, when exposed to calcium and water to form a solid mass, hard and insoluble in water. In this study laboratory tests were conducted to determine the optimum compressive strength and shear bond strength of cement by heating the palm oil shell carbon powder at temperatures of 400°C, 500°C, 600°C, 700°C, and 800°C. Compressive strength and shear bond strength values were obtained from this testing are optimum at temperature of 700°C with carbon shell palm oil composition 3% by weigth of cement. supporting 1417.9 Psi of compressive strength and 200.942 of shear bond strength. with this innovation, the research is successful. Carbon shell from palm oil heating has added value because it can reduce environmental pollution and can save on cementing costs. Keywords: Temperature, palm oil shell carbon, compressive strength and shear bond strength.

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