
Land 3D seismic survey operation, South Lhok Sukon &quot,A&quot, Field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 19th Ann. Conv., 1990

A 3D seismic survey was successfully conducted to better define the reservoir configuration of the South Lhok Sukon 'A' Field, North Aceh. The area of interest was 6 by 5 kms. Migration effects and tails increased the surveyed area to 13 by 9.2 kms. A feasibility study was conducted to determine the most cost effective approach without sacrificing the geophysical requirements. A 720 channel roll along recording technique was selected.Two meter accuracy of the preplanned receiver and source locations required precision topographic instruments and survey procedures.The surface topography was mainly a rugged jungle covered area with a large winding river, which presented many operational problems for the surveying, drilling and recording crews. In addition, a considerable amount of gravel, boulders and hard rocks posed a challenge to the shot hole drilling program. Detailed advance planning and on-site full time quality control personnel equipped with a PC and Field Design software were required to continually adjust the source locations.The 3D data volume enabled the geophysical interpreter to confidently map the basement and the top and bottom of the Peutu limestone. The resulting 3D seismic interpretation increased estimated reserves by 30%.

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