landslide Disaster Awareness Education In School As A model For Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Around Geological Hazard-Prone Areas
Year: 2012
Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 36th Ann. Conv., 2012
The type of disaster occurring in almost every region in Indonesia is landslides, because about 45% of Indonesia's land area is mountainous land, and it is sensitive to landslides and erosion. Ciparay Subdistrict, in the southern area of Bandung District, is an area with the potential for landslides, as it lies in the valley and on a hillside. Considering this reality, it is important that all stakeholders, including school communities, have a reasonable understanding of disaster response. Generally, the problem is limited information on disaster knowledge, which means that they lack understanding of what landslide disasters actually are. Meanwhile, the company's business (ie oil and gas companies, mining, consultants, etc.) have the duty to perform Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. This research was targeted on children, teenagers and communities in Ciparay Subdistrict. The knowledge was carried out through explanations of landslides, information using media (posters, leaflets, puzzles, and comics), counseling (discussions, question-and–answer sessions). Moreover, manufacturing zones as landslide disaster-prone areas were portrayed through a video simulation , and the above explanation was carried out in a simplemanner. Overall this event ran smoothly. Parties involved in this activity were student representatives of geological engineering, lecturers and communities in Ciparay. Then we also found that our visit had aroused the curiosity of children, teenagers and communities to learn more about potential disasters. These results indicate that the deployment of entry- * University of Padjadjaran level Earth science is necessary, because there is no subject (especially geology) at the school level in Indonesia. Thus, this kind of activity can be a model for Corporate Social Responsibility activities related to disaster risk reduction in Indonesia. Keywords: Disaster Awareness, Landslide, Counseling and Simulation.
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