Lessons learned from oil spill contingency planning for a frontier drilling location, Sulawesi, Indonesia
Year: 2011
Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 35th Ann. Conv., 2011
Recent oil spills associated with drilling efforts offshore Northwest Shelf of Australia (Montara release) and the Gulf of Mexico (Macondo/Deepwater Horizon release) have reinforced the need to be prepared to respond to catastrophic releases of hydrocarbons when conducting exploratory drilling or other wellbore intervention operations.In comparison to areas where infrastructure is readily available, remote/frontier locations offer additional challenges to successfully executing a response. In preparation for a multi-well exploration drilling program offshore West Sulawesi Province, Indonesia and in light of the Montara and Macondo releases, Marathon International Petroleum Indonesia Limited reviewed contingency plans and introduced measures to improve response capabilities in the event of a significant release.This paper shares the experiences and lessons learned from this evolution. Specific aspects of oil spill contingency planning which were improved through this effort include:i. Evaluation of logistical capabilities and available response resourcesii. Enhancement of available oil spill response expertise both before and during drilling activitiesiii. Relationships and communication with local, regional and national Governmental Agenciesiv. Engagement and interaction with local communities to foster supportv. Enhancing determination and description of “environmentally sensitive areasvi. Determination of planning discharge rate/scenario.The paper concludes with a list of recommendations for planners to consider in preparing oil spill contingency response plans for any potentially significant release in a frontier exploration area.
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