
Lessons Learned from the Exploration of Naturally Fractured Basement Reservoir, A Case Study in Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

The discovery of significant gas resources in naturally fracture basement reservoir (NFR) exploration during the 2018 period has triggered extensive exploration activities. Six basement wells have been drilled, covering the South Sumatra Basin in Indonesia from 2018 until the end of 2023. The main focus of this research is to learn from exploration activities and provide recommendations for exploration strategies.

The data used are post-mortem analysis of the latest wells targeting NFR exploration from 2018 to 2023, the latest report on NFR studies in Indonesia, and a literature review. The method used involves assessing the success criteria of these latest NFR exploration well. The development of the Bach Ho, Suban, Sumpal, Dayung, and KBD fields stand as successful outcomes for NFR learning in Indonesia, while other exploration wells have yielded dry holes.

The NFR exploration learning in Indonesia generally can be gained through a checklist of success criteria and case studies with integrated specific analysis. Firstly, optimize the NFR model with 3D seismic data. Secondly, conduct tectonic evaluation for Paleo Basement High, Poly-Phase Tectonics, Fault Damage Zone, Maximum Peak/Arch Area, Fault Abundance, and Critical Stress Conditions. Thirdly, ensure that the NFR has elements of seal integrity and overpressure. The last step is the determination of an effective deviated exploration well as a method that is able to meet the success criteria.

Learning from the results of the exploration of naturally fractured basement reservoirs will garner deeper and clearer knowledge. The learning will be from studying cases with different characteristics to develop common best practices for exploration wells in basement reservoirs in Indonesia.

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