
MB field reservoir simulation study

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 20th Ann. Conv., 1991

The MB field, located on the coast of NORTHWEST JAVA, commenced producing oil from the Mid Main Carbonate in December 1985. The operator of the field is Atlantic Richfield Indonesia Inc. (ARII) working under a Unitization Operating Agreement with Pertamina UEP-III.The produced fluids are separated on a central processing platform and the oil & water are sent to MM junction platform for further disposition.A reservoir simulation study was recently conducted by PPPTMGB ",LEMIGAS", with active participation from Unit EP III's engineers and close supervision by both Pertamina UEP-III and ARII. The objective of the study was to reassess the reserves since the old reserve figures were inconsistent with reservoir performance. The history matched reservoir model will then be used to predict the results of various reservoir development activities such as infill drilling and lifting methods.Construction of the reservoir model is outlined in this paper.

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