
Measuring behind casing water flow

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 16th Ann. Conv., 1987

A common problem encountered in production and water injection operations is locating and stopping undesired water channeling. The Texaco E & P Technology Division has developed a Behind Casing Water Flow (BCWF) measurement system to measure vertical water flow in or behind multiple casings. This logging system can measure:0 the direction of flow0 the linear flow velocity0 the.volume flow rate0 the radial distance of the flow from the sonde.The system uses a neutron generator tube to provide a source of high energy neutrons to activate oxygen in the flowing water. The resulting high energy gamma rays are detected with two crystal detectors. By using the counts in different energy ranges in the two detectors, the system computer can calculate the water flow velocity, volume flow rate, and radial distance from the flow to the sonde. Velocities of between 0.75 and 10 in/sec (19 and 254 mm/ sec) can be measured. This. 3-5/8 inch (92 mm) diameter logging sonde is reversible so either upward or downward flowing water can be detected. This logging system has been used in several Texaco fields and has proved its value in detecting undesired water flow.

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