
Navigating The Future: Advancing Oil & Gas Production In The Maturing Malacca Strait Block

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

The Malacca Strait Block in Indonesia, with a rich operational history dating back to 1981, has grappled with the challenges of declining production and an overwhelming water cut that exceeds 90%. To address these issues, the project initially concentrated on production enhancement through innovative workover techniques, meticulously investigating bypassed and unswept oil pockets. This approach demonstrated its mettle by effectively stalling the rapid decline in oil output, ensuring the continued economic viability of the wells.

Numerous efforts were undertaken to sustain the field's productivity. However, the landscape changed when the development of previously untapped discoveries altered the project's trajectory. The focus shifted from merely arresting the production decline to actively increasing it. The team embarked on a journey to identify and exploit the field's undeveloped potential, breathing new life into the block.

This strategic shift marked a turning point, signaling a commitment not only to maintain the field's economic vitality but also to boost production significantly. Through this approach, we sought to tap into previously overlooked opportunities within the block, capitalizing on untapped reserves and maximizing their oil and gas output.

The story of the Malacca Strait Block is a testament to the industry's resilience and adaptability in the face of intricate challenges. It underscores the importance of strategic planning, technological innovation, and astute risk management in ensuring the continued vitality of mature fields and responsible resource management.

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