
New Insight of South Sumatra Basin Exploration Potential

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

South Sumatra Basin (SSB) is a Cenozoic pull-apart type basin and one of the most prolific hydrocarbon basins in Western Indonesia. The basin has been producing oil and gas since the late eighteen hundreds. SSB is considered a mature basin with much potential to discover. Recent studies suggest that some parts of this basin are under exploration, including mapping new plays. More than 817 exploration wells and 27 active conventional exploration areas have made SSB one of the most explored basins in Indonesia. In addition to conventional hydrocarbon play, SSB has a considerable potential for producing unconventional play. This paper aims to summarize our findings concerning the hidden potential of the SSB and propose new exploration plays. All available data, including 2D/3D seismic and wells, are re-evaluated to better understand the basins' behavior. SSB is generally divided into three big subbasins: Jambi, Central Palembang, and South Palembang. These three main subbasins comprise numerous small subbasins, essential in their contribution to hydrocarbon accumulation. Two exploration plays are under-explored, including the Basin-Center and fractured basement reservoir. Both plays are proven in the SSB, and they contribute significant volume reserves. Recent studies have mapped several new targets for both plays. However, 3D seismic data is needed to confirm the drillable target. In addition, there are more than fifty stranded discoveries in the SSB with significant resources in-place, a total of more than 0.7 billion barrel of oil equivalent (BBOE). If these numbers can be produced, it will generate a significant increase in oil and gas production revenue in this basin. Perhaps new fiscal terms or collaboration efforts can increase the economic viability of these stranded discoveries.

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