
New Steamflood Development Strategy in Indonesia Heavy Oil Field – Evaluation of Performance Prediction Area 14

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

Dadali field was discovered in 1941 and characterized as heavy oil which later brought to development in 1985 with the use of steam flooding as enhanced oil recovery. To date, this field has >7,000 producers, >2,000 injectors, and >900 temperature observation wells. The field has been developed in multistage steam flood development where early development was divided into 13 development areas and recent field development mostly covering northern part of the field and classified as the 14th area. This northern part is called Area 14, which is currently in development stage. The reservoir characteristics in Area 14 are more complex and highly faulted in comparison with other parts of Dadali Field so that a different subsurface development strategy is needed.

Production and injection prediction method using steam flood forecast model that use analog areas based on the similarity of static and dynamic properties, pattern size development, target reservoir, steam flood maturity and analog surface facilities. Area 14 will be developed with inverted 7 spot pattern configurations, 5.5 acres. Area-12 as the only one area in Dadali field that was developed with that similar scenario was selected as the best analog for Area 14 input parameter and steam flood performance evaluation and benchmarking.

Area 14 Stage-1 is the first stage development that delivers an attractive value to be developed because has the best reservoir quality. Currently, several wells in Area 14 Stage-1 have been drilled in 2023 with reservoir target is Palem sand. The results of drilling in Area 14 Stage-1 showing the prognosis vs actual are close to the plan for properties such as Net Pay, So, HPT and permeability. Also, drilling results confirm production & injection forecast and development strategy in Area 14 is in accordance with initial plan. Furthermore, the results of drilling in Area 14 Stage-1 can be used as a reference for the next stage development of Area 14.

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