
Novel Technologies Application for Completion in Highly-Deviated Gas Wells of Madura Strait: Lessons Learned

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

A vision to become the largest gas producer in East Java – Indonesia, has led Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) to increase its development of high-gas wells at M Fields. This paper highlights several novel technologies applied. For instance, the installation of a fiber optic permanent downhole gauge (FOPDHG), the deployment of tractor-stroker key-tool to open the completion isolation valve (CIV), and the utilization of a casing swivel during lower completion runs. These mentioned technologies were the first deployed in Indonesia.

The FOPDHG features no downhole electronics or current, which means no risk of a short circuit. It also requires less energy to transmit data. Fiber optic cables can transmit greater and faster bandwidth than copper wires. Moreover, the gauge is highly reliable, being more resistant to shock and vibration. Based on the performance of electric downhole gauges used in earlier well projects, FOPDHG was selected for its more stable data transmission deliverability and reliability, even with longer cables related to well depth.

The CIV was installed to allow upper completion to be deployed in an underbalanced condition. It was mechanically opened using a tractor-stroker deployed key-tool before the well-unloading operation. This optimized operational time and cost by eliminating well opening and unloading operations using coiled tubing. However, a recovery strategy was implemented during operational issues with the technologies, leading to successful completion up to the well-testing operation.
The casing swivel was selected for this completion design based on experience at the previous field, where the lower completion string was on early landing. The casing swivel was chosen as a mitigation plan to allow the running string to rotate independently. The lower completion run-in-hole process at M Fields was conducted smoothly with the premium screens landing successfully at the target depth of all wells.

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