
Offshore coiled tubing drilling arrives in Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 26th Ann. Conv., 1998

In an effort to find another econoinic may of sidetracking producing gas and oil wells in the Offshore North West Java Sea field. Atlantic Richfield Indonesia Incorporated (A.R.I.I. ) is applying Coiled Tubing Drilling (C.T.D.) technology gained in Alaska and around the world. The target for CTD in ARII's off shore field is tripod platforms that are otherwise compelled to employ jack-up rigs for these sidetrack operation. This paper will be a case study of ARII's 1997 program describing the operation of CTD on platforms utilizing, tender barge, 2-3/8", coiled tubing, whipstock, Measure Whilst Drilling (MWD) directional equipment, etc.Focus of this paper will be on, rig-up of surface equipment, operational overview and lessons learned for future wells using the tender barge for coiled tubing drilling on tripod platforms.

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