
Oligocene Parapat Play and the Rejuvenation of North Sumatra Basin Exploration in Offshore Andaman

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

North Sumatra Basin (NSB) has been acknowledged as the third most hydrocarbon prolific basin in Indonesia with exploration and production activities focus within onshore and shallow water region. In a journey to find another “Arun” Giant field, exploration activities have started to shift toward the deepwater region of NSB for the last five years. Siliciclastic plays are revealed to be more developed in deepwater Andaman offshore area compared to the Peutu Carbonate which was more developed within onshore and shallow water area. These plays are considered as the future exploration target and expected to fulfil the aspiration of finding the next giant field in NSB.

There are five siliciclastic plays identified based on exploration wells drilled in the Offshore deepwater Andaman area namely Keutapang, Baong, Belumai, Bampo and Parapat. Although recent discoveries are coming from Bampo, Oligocene Parapat play is still considered as one of the most attractive plays in the region as its directly juxtaposed with the proven Bampo source rocks.

This study is focused in evaluating the Oligocene Parapat play within Andaman area. Several wells penetration shows that Parapat Formation are characterized by fluvial-marine sediments deposited during the Oligocene early syn-rift phase. The Parapat sands physical properties observed from the cores shows that this play still gives relatively good porosity (up to 32%) and permeability (up to 2,445 mD). Latest exploration activities in the area reveal that the lower part of Oligocene Parapat play also consist of predominantly fluvial system siliciclastic deposits.

The latest data and interpretation have further refined the understanding of this play and will provide advantage in determining the next prospect to be pursue.

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