
Opseis (TM) seismic recording system

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 12th Ann. Conv., 1983

OPSEIS (TM) is a digital, radio-telemetry, recording system designed for seismic data acquisition. The microprocessor controlled system transmits digital seismic data solely by means of a radio link allowing data acquisition in difficult terrain areas that would other wise be inaccessible with a cable system. The seismic response is stored in electronic memory within the field deployed units to ensure successful data transmission over the radio link and also to allow shot-stacking (summing) at the geophone site. A recording capability of up to 200 channels for a standard system, expandable to 1016 channels with full dynamic range and resolution qualities, has made the system extremely useful for recording three-dimensonal surveys. Data quality from this system compared with conventioilal cable data shows OPSEIS (TM) to be as good or superior in all test cases.The OPSEIS (TM) system has successfully been used to record data in heavy to medium foliage locations, swamp and jungle environments, rolling hills and mountainous terrain.

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