
Optimization Retrograde-Gas Development of Arun Giant Mature Field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

The Arun field is one of the world giant retrograde gas reservoirs which has Gas-In-Place 16 – 17 TCF with initial reservoir pressure 7,015 psia and peak production from Arun field up to 4500 MMSCFD of gas and 160,000 BCPD of condensate from 1992 to 1996. Approximately after 50 years production began on 1973, as the field has matured, reservoir pressure and well productivities have declined. Currently, gas production of Arun field has 45-50 MMSCFD of gas and 800-900 BCPD of condensate. Cumulative gas production reach 16.5 TCF and reservoir pressure is around 200-300 psia with recovery factor 94%.

Based on current production, existing facilities still used to process gas and large contribution for fuel around 60% of gas production whereas net gas to sales just around 17-20 MMSCFD and with existing economic limit, remaining reserves from Arun field up to 16 BCF. Moreover, reliability of existing facilities already low which have frequent shutdown and impact to high Loss Production Opportunity (LPO). Hence new processing and gas facilities project designed not only for reducing fuel and transforming increment gas sales to 50% of current net sales but also increasing sustainability of production operations and increasing lifetime of Arun Field production.

This paper will present a summary matured field gas development by optimizing new processing and facilities project especially on project expenditure, percentage reducing fuel, net gas to sales and economical limits of remaining reserve. In project economic calculations, it was found that Arun reserve increases up to 400 percent from 16 to 62 BCF. Additional lifetime of Arun Field has tremendous positive impact on company’s cash-flow.

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