
P-Wave azimuthal anisotropy and its application in sandstone-conglomeratic in Yani Oil Field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 32nd Ann. Conv., 2008

Yani sandstone-conglomerate fan reservoir in the Lower-Banuwati region of North Sunda basin is strongly inhomogeneous and anisotropic. Several rounds of G&G study have been conducted and seismic measurements (amplitude, frequency, inversion, etc.) were applied for Yani reservoir prediction. These results cannot however explain the current performance of existing production wells (AC-01st and AC-05). An AVAZ (amplitude vs. azimuth) feature has been successfully applied to detect fracture orientation and density. To quantitatively describe the fracture, research on variations within AVAZ features is based on depositional characteristics reservoir features of Yani sand. Rock Physical Modeling reveals that azimuthal seismic amplitude is influenced by anisotropic strength, and anisotropic strength is in turn mainly influenced by the variation of lithology in the fan and the fault system or strain variation of tectonic. Fracture analysis shows that high fracture density is correlated with high productivity in the Yani sandstone-conglomerate reservoir, in an environment of very low permeability. Therefore, the identification and delineation of Yani sandstone-conglomerate fracture reservoir features can be used to analyze production well performance. An accurate geological model and reservoir simulation model, based on the fracture distributions that determine reservoir distribution, confirm that research could help us better understand the production performance of existing wells.

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