
Pematang Lantih Vibroseis 3D Seismic Survey: An Innovative Technique Applied in Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

An innovative technique was used to image an oil structure in Sumatra that will accelerate the drilling and subsequent production. The terrain is covered by palm oil plantations, where typically seismic surveys are acquired using explosives as a source. By using a non-explosive source, Vibroseis, shooting along existing roads and tracks, often plantation trails, Mont D’Or was able to significantly reduce permitting time and minimize operational delays resulting in reduced time and cost. This non-explosive source was mounted on an 18 ton Vibroseis truck, emitting a seismic signal through a complex and delicate combination of electronic and hydraulic system. The seismic data obtained is good quality imaged data with reflections down to 1 second TWT that delineates the Pematang Lantih structure, faults and sedimentological packages. In this kind of setting and environment, the challenges for this source are numerous: penetration, accessibility of the source, subsurface illumination and quality monitoring. By careful planning and follow-up, Mont D’Or and the contractor managed to acquire the 3D in a timely manner with minimal delays obtaining a good dataset. The 3D seismic survey fulfilled the geophysical objectives of imaging the structural elements and adding stratigraphic information of the field to define, locate and optimize drilling locations.

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