
Petrophysical properties of the Bima Batu Raja carbonate reservoir, Offshore N.W. Java

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 18th Ann. Conv., 1989

Petrophysical properties of the Bima Batu Raja carbonate reservoir were reviewed to identify cut-off porosity, formation factor, and other parameters needed for reservoir analysis. The resetvoir consists of undercompacted mudstone, wackestone and packstone with porosity approaching 40 %. The laboratory cut-off porosity and permeability (which are used to determine net-pay) are unusually high at 26 To and 10 md (23 Vo and and 1 md, in-situ). Cut-off values are high because the rock is believed to contain unavailable (non-interconnected) porosity. Finally, log analysis is discussed and a procedure is described to predict permeability from a combination of core and log data.

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