
Phase behavior of a retrograde gas condensate-water system under high pressure and temperature conditions

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 16th Ann. Conv., 1987

An experimental study has been conducted to evaluate the phase behavior of a retrograde reservoir fluid-formation water system under hot, high pressure conditions. The purpose of the study was%-determine the relative amount and composition of the solution gas in formation water when it is subjected to pressure depletion. The results of the experiment indicate that gas evolution and water vaporization, both from the connate water and the aquifer in the reservoir, represent- an additional energy source. This is likely to have positive impact on the overall recovery efficiency. The results of this study will lead to better estimation of gas-in-place and reserves.Gas solubility and vapor-liquid equilibrium data are presented as a function of reservoir pressure depletion from 7100 psig to 600 psig at a reservoir temperature of 352OF. The experimental results are compared with Peng-Robinson Equation of State predictions. Only slight adjustments in the Peng-Robinson binary interaction coefficients were necessary to obtain an excedent match with experimental data.

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