
Pressio-detection for permanent jacket structure monitoring injection

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 14th Ann. Conv., 1985

Underwater inspection of offshore fured platforms is usually carried out by divers. A preliminary cleaning of the surfaces to be inspected results in a small number of the nodes being inspected on regular basis. Consequences of this are that usual inspection is expensive and of poor effectiveness.Awareness of these facts has suggested the necessity of developing new inspection methods which would :-cover the whole structure,-ensure permanent monitoring,-incur low operational costs.With this aim in view, TOTALCFP is promoting vibro- detection for periodical platform inspection and pressio- detection for permanent monitoring.For Pressio-detection, the jacket is divided into zones, pressured with air and equipped with acoustic pressure sensors. Any crack that breaks through will allow the air to escape until the inside reaches the outside hydrostatic pressure. The sensors send a distress signal to surface.Three CFP platforms are now equipped with Pressio- detection. A field application in Abu Dhabi (UAE) is presented.

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