
&quot,CRINE&quot, and &quot,KRIS&quot,- a unique opportunity?

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 26th Ann. Conv., 1998

Indonesia is not alone in having a maturing oil and gas industry. Other countries have faced the same challenges, Declining,larger mature fields, new field discoveries being generally smaller or more remote from established infrastructure put margins under pressure and can threaten a reduction of development and value creation. Amongst others, the United Kingdom faced such challenges and consequently an industry wide initiative ",CRINE", was created about 6 years ago.It is the possibility of learning from the experiences and results of this programme that has excited interest in Indonesia and has generated the start of the ",KRIS", initiative this year. Before talking about how Indonesia can benefit from such an initiative, it is important to review what CRINE is and what has been achieved in the U.K.

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