
Recovery Of Shallow Marginal Zone Using Reverse Circulation Cement Packer Method, Offshore Natuna Field, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

Mature fields are experiencing a decline in production rate. Some wells have bypassed marginal zones located above the tubing production packer where the absence of a sufficient barrier in the annulus prevents the unlocking of reserves. Placing a cement packer by coiled tubing conveyance is the conventional well intervention solution, but it might not be economical in some cases. The Reverse Circulation Cement Packer (RCCP) method, utilizing only a pumping unit, has proved to be a cost-effective alternative.

The RCCP method only requires pumping equipment. Isolating the previous open zone and punching tubing at the circulation point is mandatory in advance. Cement is then pumped down the annulus, while the return will be recovered from the tubing. Cement displacement is stopped once the tail cement achieves the desired top of cement design depth. The return valve is then closed and waits for the cement to cure. Integrity tests and cement bond logs are run to verify the cement barrier before perforation.

This technique has been conducted at several wells in South Natuna Offshore Field, Indonesia. All integrity test and cement bond log results were good. The competent cement column length met the design requirements, and no tubing obstructions were found along the perforation target interval depth. All zones could be perforated without encountering any well integrity issues during production. Based on this campaign, it is concluded that the RCCP method has been proven to meet well integrity requirements with more efficient operation times and lower costs.

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