
Reducing Operational Cost for Online Scada Well Surveillance Coverage Expansion by Implementing Scada Radio Branching Combined with Machine Learning Approach at Rokan Oil Field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

At present in the Rokan Oil Field there are 2800 Sumatera Light Oil (SLO) producer wells within a 6200 area. Of these wells, 1500 (54%) are not monitored through an online surveillance system because they are as yet not equipped with SCADA. Currently the surveillance of those producers fully rely on the Field Operator’s field check, taking 23 hours on average to identify and recover a well shutdown. Based on a study using a problem stratification method, the high cost for an online expansion of the SCADA well surveillance is the dominant root cause, being 91.02 % of all identified possible root causes.

SCADA Radio branching is generated as a solution by considering critical criteria such as cost, duration, risk, complexity, and effectiveness. A branching method is designed to optimize the existing installed SCADA Radio at the well site to be able to monitor two wells instead of one. Due to the high number of producer wells that need to integrate with SCADA, the implementation of SCADA branching is conducted on a priority basis. A machine learning approach is generated as a complement to the SCADA Radio branching method to ensure the solution is implemented on the right producer wells. The results of this improvement over a period of 1 year are: 1) Quality, in total an additional 128 high producer wells can now be monitored through online SCADA well surveillance; 2) Cost, the operational cost has reduced to only Rp 4.7 million per well per year with total cost reduction of Rp. 2 Billion; 3) Cost Effectiveness, Rp 24.5 Billion from 19,957 bbls of Loss Production Opportunity (LPO) reduction; 4) Delivery, an improved response time to identify and recover a down well to only 4 hours on average; 5) Environment, a reduction of energy consumption of 1,233 KWH in a year; and 6) Staff Morale, the confidence level of the field operators has increased by 125 %.

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