
Remaining Giant Potential from Paleogene Carbonate Play in Pagerungan Sub-basin.

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

The North East Java Basin represents one of the productive basins in Western Indonesia. While the Kujung is often regarded as the "prima donna" Play in this basin, large potential remains from under-explored and new plays. This has been recently evidenced by the discovery of the H-1 oil field and the K-1 gas well which have opened the new Paleogene Carbonate Play. Because of this potential, we investigated the extent of the Paleogene carbonate play further eastward of those discoveries with focus on the open acreage of the Pagerungan sub-basin. Previous well penetration and 2D seismic lines support that there is a thick Paleogene interval developed in the Pagerungan sub-basin. The subsurface mapping of new Paleogene intervals tied to wells reveals the presence of east-west trending Paleogene carbonate buildups. Those buildups face directly the Pre-Ngimbang and Ngimbang fetch area and could potentially constitute the first traps that may intercept hydrocarbon migration. The JS 53-A well which encountered oil and gas in Eocene carbonates reservoir and is sealed by Oligocene Ngimbang shale, supports this model. We performed a new basin modelling assessment of this area which shows that the hydrocarbon generation from Palaeocene age source rock starts from 38 My during the Eocene; we estimated the total remaining Yet-To-Find initial cumulative resources to be over 1 Bboe. Therefore, the Paleogene carbonate play within the Pagerungan sub-basin could have remaining giant potential.

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