
Reservoir modelling and amplitude analysis, South Lho Sukon, N. Aceh

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 18th Ann. Conv., 1989

A seismic bright spot anomaly, located in the South Lho Sukon area of N. Aceh was analysed in semi-quantitative terms, particularly with respect to its Amplitude Versus Offset (AVO) characteristics.Reservoir modelling of this anomaly utilized geological information from wells in the adjacent South Lho Sukon A gas field and reservoir data from the nearby Julu Rayeu oil and gas field.The results of this analysis support the hypothesis that the amplitude behaviour is caused by the presence of hydrocarbons.The subsequent South Lho Sukon C-1 well confirmed the postulated reservoir characteristics, however the reservoir was found to contain non-commercial gas only (fizz water).

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