
Restore Decline, Higher Recovery – Tambang Field Strategies For Success

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

Tambang field is one of restricted waterflood field in Northern Rokan block since it’s located inside of the conservation forest areal of Riau. Consisting of ten wells with only four active oil producers, this small field managed to deliver good production all these years with stable decline around 10% p.a. However, by early 2022, there were symptoms of steeper production decline that significantly increased to around 40% p.a., which led the production drop far below targeted level by early 2023.

Due to its restricted status, Tambang has limited permit for subsurface intervention jobs. The remaining hydrocarbon of Tambang field was unclear due to the absence of any data surveillance from latest subsurface work. Therefore, identification of opportunities to increase production has also been hampered. This field desperately needs additional data feed to support the production decline recovery mission.

Based on a thorough evaluation, the team have managed to formulate a better process to achieve a comprehensive evaluation method to gain better understanding on the remaining hydrocarbon in Tambang field. An efficient workflow is then developed to ensure the overall process can be executed in this field within limited timeframe for production recovery campaign. This improvement consists of guidelines of how to select the best candidate for data investment through carbon-oxygen surveillance, preparation works, best execution practice on surveillance, until final recommendation and execution steps.

Implementation result of comprehensive workflow shows in early 2023. Tambang field successfully restore decline from 40% to average 10% p.a., with approximately 60 BOPD higher level of production profile, resulting with higher recovery and revenue increase around 45 MBO until 3rd quarter of 2023. Asset team also concluded that this method might be a good sample for further implementation in other fields in Northern Rokan block and also other block to help production recovery of similar fields with finite subsurface information and limited timeframe.

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