
San Ardo Field - case history of a successful steam flood

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 10th Ann. Conv., 1981

Steam flooding is an EOR process whereby heat is continuously and externally supplied to a reservoir by means of steam injection. In the early 19603, steam flooding was in much the same stage of development as chemical and C02 flooding are today. Steam flood development was initiated principally in California, where it matured in the early 1970’s into a proven enhanced oil recovery process. Laboratory studies, computer program development, and field implementation experiences have helped in applying steam recovery processes to light oils, heavy oils, and tar sand formations. Commercial or semi-commercial projects are ongoing in each of these reservoir types. Since the early days of steam flooding, Texaco has been among the leaders in developing this innovative enhanced recovery method. This presentation will review the evolution of the current field operation and stress new activities that Texaco is implementing in steam flood operations at the San Ardo Field in California to produce more oil and to do it more efficiently.

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