Result for 2 item(s)

Assessment of Top Seal Capacity of Indonesian Shales in Relation To CCS/CCUS Planning

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

To achieve Net Zero Emission 2060, Indonesia is actively planning CCS/CCUS programs in its oil and gas fields. Among many subsurface parameters consid...

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Building a Geomodel for the South Belut Gas Field, West Natuna Basin: Overcoming Challenges in Seismic and Petrophysics

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

Geomodeling the South Belut gas field for the Arang and Udang Formation presents unique challenges to figure out the appropriate seismic attribute pri...

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