
Seismic design of fixed offshore platforms in Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 11th Ann. Conv., 1982

Seismic design of fixed offshore platforms has become of major interest to the Offshore Oil Industry since 1973 when rising oil prices made oil exploration viable in earthquake active zones. These explorations have not ceased as the technology is now present to understand the dynamic behaviour of these platforms subject to earthquake forces.Indonesia, having 8% of the world's total seismicity, belongs to a region of high seismic activity and thus the incorporation of seismic loading in design of her onshore and offshore structures is imperative. The design of her onshore structures, like high rise building, is quite well covered by existing Indonesian building codes, but not her offshore structures, and in particular, fixed offshore platforms.In fact, the industry of fixed offshore platform engineering is relatively new in Indonesia as there are very few wholly national companies doing this kind of work.The purpose of this delivery is to present a summary of first work relative to seismic design of fixed offshore platforms for Indonesia based on the American Petroleum Institute RP-2A code (API RP-2A). A state-of-the-art discussion on design philosophy and design procedure is presented and it is intended that these provide an outline where Indonesian code of practice can evolve.

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