
Single buoy mooring systems: anchoring selection and construction considerations

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 12th Ann. Conv., 1983

An alternative to deep water harbors for bulk oil and gas carriers is the mooring system. The single buoy mooring system has gained increasing popularity due to its relative simplicity and cost. In Indonesia several single buoy mooring systems are either operative or are being planned.Proper selection of the method of anchoring the system can result in considerable savings to the overall cost. At some offshore locations, the soils below the mudline are suitable for supporting marine anchors while other sites may require drive piles. Construction of either type of anchoring system poses unique problems not found in land construction.This paper describes general methods for selection of the of the anchoring methods. Design details, loads and breakout resistance of embedded anchors are discussed. The design methods include selection of piles and selection of anchor types. Finally, installation and construction considerations are addressed. This includes anchor placement and pile driving and pile driving hammer selection.

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