
Small field development offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 24th Ann. Conv., 1995

A prudent optimization process was followed during the field development/feasibility study of a small offshore field starting with the completion and well design through drilling rig selection, well slot design and allocation and finally to platform and facility design to ensure an economically viable project.A small offshore oil field, The Santan Field, in East Kalimantan, Indonesia discovered in early 1971 will be developed 25 years later following an integrated developmentlfeasibility study conducted by a multidisciplinary project team.The reservoir management objectives and future well maintenance cost considerations for the highly interbedded thin oil and gas reservoirs with multiple fluid contacts formed the basis for the completion driven field development. All the reservoir management objectives are planned to be met through a completion strategy and well design. The completion strategy and the well design developed for this field have significant impact not only on drilling and well maintenance costs but also on the platform design and well slot size and thus the overall structure cost.This paper explains the field development optimization steps and design concepts. These steps are mostly tailored around the enhancement of oil production while reducing initial field development and future well maintenance costs.

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