
Solar power cathodic protection systems for remote well application in tropical environment

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 19th Ann. Conv., 1990

This paper describes Mobil Oil Indonesia Inc. (further more abbreviated MOI) experience with the design, installation, and operation of large size Solar Power Cathodic Protection Systems (SPCP). In 1988 Mobil pioneered installation of SPCP systems in Indonesia by installation of such system on a remote well location in the Arun Field in North Sumatra.The subject SPCP system was designed to supply 20 Amperes of DC current at a maximum operating voltage 24 Volts. The system is used to cathodically protect external surfaces (i.e., well casings) of a 10,000 feet (3,048 m) deep well in a remote location, where no AC power is available. No system of such size was installed in Indonesia prior to this installation. Limited information and/or experience were available with SPCP systems of such size in tropical environments.Since its installation, the first MOI SPCP system provides effective DC power supply and operates efficiently even during rainy seasons, when limited sunshine is available. The system has been maintenance free since its installation. Since MOIs experience with the large SPCP system has been positive, additional systems were installed on other remote wells in the Arun Field.

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