
Solution to Eliminate Non-Productive Time and Increase Efficiency Energy using Innovation Tools “Antifishing” (patent no. IDS000004717) in Swab Job

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

Swab activity is an activity to lift fluid from a well using a sand line which aims to determine the influx of fluid after perforation or to reduce the fluid level in an effort to obtain the difference between formation pressure and hydrostatic pressure in the well for under balance perforation. During swab activities, problems often occur when the rubber swab breaks and becomes a fish in the well, so fishing for rubber swab fragments must be carried out in the well to avoid getting the rubber swab stuck when carrying out the next swab. The average time required for rubber swab fragment fishing plus swab work is 44 hours. The innovation made to solve this problem was to modify the rubber swab tool namely “Antifishing”. The rubber swab tool was modified by providing a series of brushes at the end of the rubber swab with thread connection for greater safety based on standard API RP54 and API RP49, so that when the rubber swab breaks it will be lifted by the brush under the rubber swab and reduce loss time for fishing the rubber swab. This tool has been proven to be applicable in Field Sangasanga wells so that with this rubber swab modification tool, rig operations are more efficient because there is no rubber swab fishing, rubber swab fragments are lifted to the surface, saving fuel costs. and obtain well production potential. The average time to carry out swab work after applying this tool is 8 hours. Antifishing has succeeded in saving 1,863 GJ. The reduction in emissions carbon from rig Service Activities during Swab Job Operations was 143,212 tons of CO2eq and total conventional gas was 3,415 tons per year.

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