
South Mahakam exploration and development: synergies that make it happen

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 32nd Ann. Conv., 2008

The fields are situated at the southern end of the Kutei Basin and are part of the Mahakam PSC (35km SW Balikpapan). Most of the fields have been discovered and delineated with numbers of wells from years ago but none has been developed thus far, the main constraint being their marginal size and distance compared to other giants in the Mahakam area, as well as their volumetric uncertainty. The South Mahakam fields are mainly gas and condensate fields, including Jumelai (1975), Jempang (1990), Stupa (1996) and Metulang (1998). Most gas reservoirs have been found in the Middle-Upper Miocene of Sepinggan Deltaic Series (SDS) at depth intervals of 2850-3700mSS, except for Jumelai reservoir, which is known as Middle Miocene Jumelai sands. The revival of exploration and development activities in the area started in 2005 by studying newly reprocessed 3D seismic. This study has also benefited from regional structural mapping being carried out in Kutei Basin. A new sedimentological model has been introduced and contributes to renewal of the exploration perspective of the area. Two mature prospects resulted from the reevaluation processes: West Stupa-1 nearby exploration and East Mandu-1 exploration wells. The drilling operation in 2007 confirms the concept and model used, as well as the presence of its commercial hydrocarbon accumulation. The current development scheme will include Stupa field in phase-1 and West Stupa and East Mandu fields in phase-2. Both fields will act as a production hub for future smaller fields, planned for development in a future phase. The cost optimization process leads to the decision that these fields will be developed using a similar platform design. Each platform will have 6 drilling-slots, with the possibility of installing a slot-splitter to double capacity. Overall anticipated production capacity is 210 mmscfpd, which will be exported to Senipah down a 67 km 20 sea-line. Production is expected to start up by 2011.

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