
Statistical mitigation of depth structure uncertainty using multiple realizations for the Ujung Pangkah field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 35th Ann. Conv., 2011

Three principal elements have been identified that significantly affect the uncertainty of depth structure estimation and in turn the GRV (gross rock volume) of the Ujung Pangkah field. These uncertainties were statics, velocity, and time horizon picks. The rapid deposition of unconsolidated sediments of the Solo river delta has resulted in an extremely low velocity layer that rapidly changes with time. This layer produces large long and short spatial wavelength statics that are difficult to resolve with standard processing techniques (refraction/reflection statics). The limited number of good quality and spatially well distributed velocity data sets contributes to the uncertainties. The last uncertainty is the horizon time picks due to the frontal ambiguity and inconsistency of reservoir picks as well as seismic-well marker ties. This paper describes how to identify, analyze and compensate for the identified uncertainties using multiple realizations of depth structure and statistical analysis.

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