
Study of oil migration and remigration in the Southern Kampar Block, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 25th Ann. Conv., 1996

Recent studies in the Kainpar Block, Central Sumatra suggest that a small Paleogene sub-graben between Lirik and Binio Fields (Binio Sub-Graben) is the likely source kitchen for the Binio, Pekan and the Lirik Trend Fields. This sub-graben is part of the larger Bengkalis Trough. Although no well has penetrated a lacustrine source rock in the Binio Sub- Graben, by inference from bio-marker analysis a prolific source rock is expected to be present within the sub-graben.Basin modeling indicates that major oil geiieration in this sub-graben has occurred between -10 - 8 MYBP (Million Years Bcforc Present). At that time, the Binio and Lirik Trend structures did not yet exist. Consequently, any generated hydrocarbons would have filled paleo-structures nearby the present Binio and Lirik Trend Fields.During the Plio-Pleistocene tectonics, inversion has caused spillage from paleo accumulations to presentday traps. To analyze the hydrocarbon migration and remigration pathways, we used a combination of mature kitchen, paleo structure and present-day structure maps. Past exploration efforts focused on the large and obvious structures. hence the remaining exploration potential lies within subtle folds that are located within migration and remigration pathways.

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