
Success Criteria for Oil and Gas Exploration in Naturally Fractured Basement Reservoir, A Case Study In Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

The exploration well program in naturally fractured basement reservoirs (NFR) in Indonesia is a high-risk and high-investment program with a success ratio of less than 30% from 25 wells in two decades. However, there is high reward if the well is a discovery The focus of this study is to determine the criteria for success in the oil and gas exploration of an NFR in Indonesia. This study used data from exploration wells and post-drill results that targeted a naturally-fractured basement reservoir from 1972 to 2023, as well as the latest NFR report study in Indonesia and a literature review. The method is an advanced analysis of post-drill exploration well with targeted NFR in 4 producing basins in Indonesia. The criteria for success in the oil and gas exploration consist of Paleo Basement High; Poly-Phase Tectonic; Fault Damage Zone; Crest Area / Maximum Curvature; Fractures Abundance; Critically Stressed Condition; Direct Proximity to HC Kitchen; Thickness of Seal Rock with overpressure seal overlying the basement reservoir; and Slanted Drilling Intersecting the Faul Zones. The most updated study in Indonesia about prospect/lead and volumetric as an opportunity exploration shows more than 100 prospects/leads with volumetric in place of 4 BBO and 13 TCF which have been identified as potential basement fractures, but no evaluation of the criteria for success of naturally fractured basement has yet been implemented. The long-term plan program until 2030 has specified more than 15 NFR exploration wells will be carried out. It is hoped such wells will be discoveries and thus contribute to oil and gas production in Indonesia.

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