
Tapping into Unexplored Hydrocarbon Reserves: A Success Story of Integrated Geological Modeling and Deterministic Approach in Mandu Offshore Gas Field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

Mandu gas field, located offshore in the South Mahakam Cluster, has been in production since 2013. The field is divided into four lateral compartments: East, Central, West-1, and West-2 Panels. The East Panel, where the majority of the wells are located, has been exploited for nearly nine years, leading to reservoir depletion. This study aimed to unlock the hydrocarbon potential in the peripheral areas of the untapped panels, utilizing a deterministic approach in conjunction with integrated geological modeling.

A previous stochastic model from 2016 resulted in the drilling of a development well in the East Mandu Panel in 2018. However, the outcomes were lower than expected. Nonetheless, two further infill wells, M-109 and M-111, were drilled in the Central Mandu Panel in 2018 and 2019, respectively. These wells delivered positive results using conceptual gas-stripped oil and deterministic facies mapping. Following the successful drilling in the Central Panel, the remaining untapped potential in the Central and West Panels was assessed and targeted using the same approach. Two additional infill wells, M-110 and M-112, were successfully drilled in 2022. The results led to an increase in reserves, with 2.4 billion cubic feet of gas, 0.2 million barrels of condensate, and 0.2 million barrels of oil classified as contingent resources.

Despite the new data presented in this study, it is crucial to regularly update and integrate the latest static-dynamic data to address uncertainties and identify the remaining hydrocarbon potential in this field. Moreover, additional investigation is required due to the substantial potential exhibited by the oil reservoirs in this gas field. An early evaluation of the oil’s potential was conducted using an approach that incorporates mathematical and geological knowledge. This approach will be continued with comprehensive static and dynamic modeling focused on oil development.

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